Tuesday, October 13, 2015

in class

describe what type of write have i written in this semester?
     the main writing i have done is acute for this class, literature.  i have done some math solving on paper and in lab but not much writing besides this class. mainly description and on topic with some references politics paper on a video.

describe what type of writing i will have to write this semester?
     i will write the majority in my literature class but i will have to write papers in biology as well eventually i presume.  i have two more papers in this class but that sums up the majority of my writing this year. Science papers will probably be fore fact based and o studies that have been made just connecting the dots.

what do i expect to write for my major?
     i plan on a bachelors degree in math or biology on the pre dental program. wail pursuing this major i will probably have to write lab papers, lab reports, math analysis, etc.

how is the writing we have done in this class deferent than what we have done in here?
     the writing we have done in this class has mostly been done evaluating ourselves. we make connections between other pieces of work we have read and we connect them to ourself. wail in other classes the writing i have done is mainly analyzing data or the answer to a math problem.

why do i think college professors assign writing and grade it?
    because they want to know if we, students, understand and know how to asses the aspect(s) that are going on by ourselves. They also want to see if we know our facts and how they connect and interact with each other. when we write a paper it is how our own person mind thinks about the predicament therefore every paper is different but in theory should have the same key points somewhere in every paper. Grading papers is so teachers know if you absorbed the information needed.

Shitty first Drafts: about how you need to just get something on paper to start a good paper. Get your thoughts written down then proceeded once your done to edit and revise it to not make it shitty any more

Rhetorical situations: know your audience and the significance of rhetorical situations.

Revision strategies: how to efficiently revise your paper

shitty first drafts: get all of your thoughts on paper then once that is done revise it to make a good one.

rhetorical situations: make sure you know the importance of knowing your audience and how important rhetorical situations are and use them in your paper.

Revising: how to efficiently review and revise your paper to make it better.

who would i like to direct  this paper toward?
I would like to direct tho paper toward my teacher and classmates. i want to make the paper formal and proper but not use to big of vocal that when students read it they will get board wit it. I want students to be able to read tho paper, stay interested, make connections with themselves so they can see that they to can become a better writer, and hear the words coming out of my mouth as a student not a teacher of someone of judgment. I want my teacher to read this and hear me telling him how i have become the write i am and why the writer i am.

i am probably going to use a a normal standardized paper. For one it is what is appropriate for an essay for my teacher to read. Secondly if you see a student actually reading and fully interested in reading an essay you know the story or piece of work is good to them and is worth their time to read. If a student sees a really long email or text they don't really tend to read it but because they know it is an essay and it is suppose to be a bit longer they are prepared for the length

3) writing is recursive because you have to restate hope everything is connected and what the topic is. you have to relate the topic to each paragraph so there is one main back one to the paper so it is recursive in repeating and building strength to that backbone.
    my writing is recursive in repeating the points in each paragraph so the paragraphs flow better. i might repeat words or phrases but i do not try to i edit those out unless they are absolutely necessary.

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