Tuesday, October 6, 2015

paper topic, kairotic, goals, audience, and constraints

how is this topic(the paper topic) kairotic? (important to think about now)
      this paper topic is important know because it will help me become a better writer in the future if i know my strength and week points. it helps me understand how to produce the best possible paper.

what are the goals of he paper?
     the goals of this paper is to know exactly how i write, why i write like that, and how to better my writing. explains why and how i write.

pg 353 ( paragraph 12) and pg 677 (first three bullet points)
who do i want my audience to be?
     i want my audience to be my peers.
how do i want the audience to react?
     i want my peers to be able to read this and make connections with the paper and the way they write. i want them to feel like many different people not just them have a lot of the same problems and/or strengths as they do. i want to get thin thinking on how to improve their writing.

paragraph 25
how do i understand constraints?
     they are underling factors that help a writer lean towards a specific direction.
what kind of linguistic constraints do you put on your audience?
     i write in a way that they will understand. not to much complex vocab and complicated sentences. just direct and to the point to they will not get board of all the fluff they don't want to hear/read. make sure i write in a way  that is logical so that everything connects and interesting so i have their attention the whole time they read my paper.

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