Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Rhetorical Situations and their Constituents

2. how would i define exigence? why does exigence matter in rhetorical situations?
    exigence is a problem that can be talked about and resolved through talking or communicating of some sort. it can be any type of problem such as a person problem as in you need something you want something or you have a conflict with someone. or it can be a physical problem as in you broke your leg or arm. just any type of problem.
    exigence matters in my opinion because without it there can not be any there can not be a rhetorical situation. the rhetors need a exigence to create a rhetorical situation to get the intended audience thinking.

4. What are constraints? Bitzer says i would think of constraints as aids rather than restrictions, how can that be?
    constraints are things that are good or bad that can effect the way the audience takes the rhetorical situation which in turn also effect the outcome of the rhetorical situation.
    when Bitzer says that i would think of constraints more as aids rather than restrictions he is right. aids affects the pay someone acts just as constraints do. When someone has aids(bad things) people do not want to have sex with then anymore or be in a relation ship with them. Like if a rhetorical situation has bad things (aids) it has people not want it or answer in a different way then intended, etc. it does dot prevent people from making that decision. like when someone has aids and they tell their spouse. if their spouse still wants to have sex with them its their choice. bad things in rhetorical situations do not prevent people from thinking or reacting a specific way but it does lean them towards a specific situations.

5. as a writer how would it help me to be aware of my rhetorical situations and the constraints it creates?
    when i am writing i have to make sure i add in the constraints i want to make my rhetorical situations strong and get the outcome i want. if i want my audience to hate what i am talking about i can add bad constraints. and vice versa if i want a good reaction to my rhetorical situation..

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