Saturday, September 26, 2015

Shitty First Drafts blog

am i aware of any patterns in my first draft writing in places or in ways that i will know that the writing will need work once i actually have the words written down.
When i write my fist draft i just write in a way that i think that would make since to both me and the reader. i almost write like i am talking or how i would explain the story to someone. i know there is going to be many misspelled words and bad grammar and the sentences might be choppy at points but i am not really worried about that when i write my first draft. once my draft is done i can then go fix my grammar, spelling, conjunctions, or anything else that needs fixing. My first draft gives me my basis of what i need to talk about in each paragraph so i can then build off of it in the paragraph or cut it down to make it better and to the point.

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