Tuesday, August 25, 2015

homework 2 (Malcolm X)

1. Who seems to be Malcolm X's intended audience? How do you know?

I believe Malcolm X's intended audience is every race, "black, brown, red, and yellow people" (page 124) that is discriminated or treated unfairly by white people. I believe this because Malcolm X explains through this exert of his autobiography about how bad white people are and how much blood and dispute lay on their hands. Malcolm X wrote this in a way that almost convinces the audience that white people are nothing but cold blooded harsh human beings. Besides that point he also wrote this in a way where it gives many people that do not have education but have the drive to make a difference hope that they can accomplish that. Even though Malcolm X makes some bold statements about whites he has evidence and explains his reason for thinking the way he does.

2. how does Malcolm X define literacy? how does this definition compare to school based literacy?

Malcolm X was a wise clever young fellow. He taught himself how to read and to write, therefore he thinks of being literate in a different perspective than schools do. Schools believe being literate is being taught in school how to read, write, and eventually form complex thoughts. I believe Malcolm X though being literate was simply being able to understand what you, do or do not like in the world and being willing to make a difference when it comes to something you do not like. It has nothing to do with being taught reading or writing in school. Although he does state that both of these aspects are very important in making changes. Malcolm holds reading somewhat sacred because he learned all he knows from books he has read and writing has helped him portray what he wants to say more effectively. In the words of Malcolm X, "If the American black man will start thinking about his human rights, and then start thinking of himself as part of one of the world's great peoples, he will see he has a case for the United Nations. " Malcolm X is saying that once the American black man starts standing up for himself and his rights people will begin to realize what horrible discrimination they have been put through and changes will be made. This is why Malcolm X believes that literacy is being able to understand problems and being willing to fix them.

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