Thursday, August 27, 2015

In class questions

What is something you wanted to read?
Something I have always wanted to read since middle school was Crime and Punishment. I hear it has always been a really good book to read. I never did read it in middle school because reading for fun want really a priority I had and it is also a more difficult read so I pushed it off until I could grow my vocabulary. Once I entered high school I though I was ready to start reading Crime and Punishment but as I was talking to my Literature teacher about it she told me that I would be reading it as an assignment next year. I then waited to read it because I thought it would be better to move along with my classmates in the book so I fully understand it.

What is something you worked hard to read?
Something that I have worked hard to read is The Odyssey. I struggled reading this because the wording of the novel and the vocabulary used was, for the most part, foreign to me. It is also a fairly long book and a lot godson throughout the book so it is also hard to remember every little detail that i read. I don't think I would have been able to understand the book to the exited I do without the help of my teacher.

What is something you wanted to write?
Something I wanted to write is defense notes and argumentative nots when I was on the debate team. I love to debate. What I love more is winning a debate. I would normally do research on the upcoming debate and have ready all the points and could use in defense of my side and in accusation of the other.

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