Thursday, August 27, 2015

homework 3 (my sponsors)

My literacy fall roughly in-between that of Branch's and Lopez's. Branch had substantial access to technology and new upcoming information at young age. Lopez on the other hand, very little access to technology and upcoming information, and when she finally did it was at a much later age than Branch.
I have had access to technology since I was a little girl. Not so much computers like Branch but I did have a TV I could watch. Sometime in the years if ten and twelve my dad had bought a computer. It was a family computer although I rarely ever used it. My parents did not think I ever needed access to the computer, such as having Myspace, Facebook, twitter, etc. The only time I really ever started using it was when I was about thirteen. I had to type a paper for one of my classes. My parents let me use the computer then when it was school related. The more schools became dependent on computers the more I had to use it. I used my dad's family computer all through out high school. All my friends had their own computers wail i was the one that didn't. I did not mind though I was never online much besides for school. Smart phones did come out so it basically was like having a mini computer on you at all times. This is incorrect. I had to pay for my own phone so therefore I could not afford Internet access all the time. I used my data sparingly eliminating the assumption that i had Internet access at all times. I did not own my own computer until i went to college because my dad figured I could not bring the family computer so he bought me one of my own. Money was not the reason I never had my own computer till now. My family though having my own computer was not necessary and a wattle of time and money until I was out of the house.
I had access to technology and information at a young age just as Branch did, not as much access but I still had access. I was not always aloud and able to use that access so I end up more towards the way Lopez was brought up. Although, I was more fortunate than she was at times because my family is of higher class and could allow me to do more things. It is unfortunate but true.
My primary sponsors in life were my parents, my tennis team/coaches, my brother, and lastly my school. My parents taught me my manners, how to be a lady, and how to portray myself to others, basically all of my desirable social skills. My tennis team is my group of friends and they taught me my social skills of a teenager. They taught me sarcasm, how to make jokes, how to laugh, and how to have fun on and off the court. My tennis coach tight me of course how to play tennis but that is not all. He also taught me how to be a more mentally tough human being, how to make good choices, and how to be smart in all things I do. My brother, man this is a long one, but to sum it up he taught me sports analysis, video gaming, extensive movie binging, activities to do indoors and outdoors, how to fight and protect myself, the definition of tough love, and most importantly the definition of love from a sibling. You should be able to see that everything i have listed has everything to do with ones personality. That is because everything I listed is what created my personality, it is what makes me, well, me. The one last sponsor i have not explained yet is school. School has taught me everything I know, academically that is. School did not teach me how to be a lady, how to have fun, how to love someone, or how to fend for myself. School had simply taught me some history, science, and how to grammatically read and write correctly. They have nothing to do with the way I act. School is in place for knowledge of the past, present, and future. Whether or not I want to take that knowledge and do something with is is my choice.
I believe everything that has been given to me, all my sponsors and my schooling have been given to me in such a way that no one else can have it. I alone have the knowledge I have because i am the only one that has lived through my experiences and schooling. It is all worth it. All the knowledge i have received is more that I could want. I can not wait to have more of it.
The only sponsor I wish I had more of when i was younger to know more about it now is that of cars. I was never really exposed to anyone or anything that could teach me a little about cars. I wanted to know how to change my own tire and my own oil so i had to look it up. No one ever taught me and I wish someone or something could have.

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