Tuesday, November 10, 2015

questions for paper

who is my audience for this paper?
my audience is any type of person that wants to understand my point of view on writing and any one who is interested. normally some one in education but is not always in the education field

whats my definition of writing?
something that expresses meaning, a point, emotions, etc that is physically put on something else such as a pointing on canvas, graffiti on a wall, words on a paper, etc.

what genera do i want to make my argument in?
i want to tell my audience that writing is not limited to just words, sentences, and paragraphs written down on a paper. writing can be many different things and different people like different types of writing. instead of being narrow m need and only tacking writing as it is on paper they should emphasize all the types of writing so that people can find their interest early on in life.

why define writing?
because every one has a different perspective on things and especially now people's definitions are changing from old definitions to new ones because we are advancing as a society. some people are stuck in their old ways and refuse to hear let alone adapt to new ones.

why define writing now?
like i said before definitions, society and people are all canting what they know and adapting to new things. its important that society has a better understanding of what writing was, is now, and why so thy can better understand the writing that goes on around them.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

why these people wan to define writing

the editor of a journal in our anticipating major
every one has different majors and every major has different criteria and content. Obviously enough because every major has deferent content to write about each writing assignment in each different major is going to be different. a math major who wrote a proof on on something and a science major read it, the paper would make much since and be formatted differently, and vice versa.

kathleen BLake Yancy
she is a professor at Florida State University and author of many books. she also tries and develops new ways to teach writing in a class room.
Kathleen would want to define writing in her own way because she like to be creative and write books and she wants people to do the same. she would go off of her definition to develop new ways of writing top get the point across to kids and to better develop future books.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

comments about feedback on my papers

Summarize your comments.
i need to break up paragraphs more. i shouldn't haver really long paragraphs. my first paper i need to introduce the writers more to weave them in better into my paper . make sure to get others to proof read it.

what I'm doing well
i elaborate, explain, and use all the content well

what i can improve on.
little grammatical mustaches
weaving in other writes and their works better
shortening paragraphs

one thing i would like to improve on.
making sure all grammatical errors are corrected because i know how to wear writers in my paper better and i can work around that but i always seem to have problems with my grammar no matter how many times i read it.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

questions to help with last paper

name people who care how reading is defined
all literature teachers (mr. jones, Mrs. Whitaker)

How would they define writing?
     when they protest  wether its marching, refusing to move, panting signs, etc. they ass think that their actions show what they feel need to be changed. they are making the audience see what they believe in, not by physically putting words on paper but simply by their actions.

     they can get their motive, belief, or issue brought up in a better way if writing were defined differently. whatever appeals to more people and to the electors that are running that is how they would from their issue to them.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

meta moment and question 2 blog

Meta moment
what were some conceptions of writing you had prior to reading this report? have your conceptions changed?
i believed writing is anything that conveys a point, any point, big or small.
wail this statistics and fact were interesting it did not change my conceptions of writing

Applying and exploring ideas pg 739 question 2
make a list of all the ways that your writing life is and has been complex.
developing language
learning to color inside the lives (following the rules
learning to think outside the box(be creative)
school reports
school papers
watching my parents read the daily newspaper
creating stories from pictures
doing the school news
school journals
college papers
reading or school

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

the adventures of Small-Bot, Big-Bot, and Bigger-Bot Part I

It is late at night and Small-Bot is talking to Big-Bot and and Bigger-Bot out in the yard. Small-Bot says he is board and doesn't know what to do. Big-Bot then has an idea go what to do to have fun. Big-Bot says lets go check out the old abandoned house down the street. Small-Bot is a little scared but wants to do it. Bigger-Bot is against this and thinks it is a bad idea. Small-Bot and Big-Bot both get him to come regardless. when they arrive t o the house they are all on edge. Small- Bot then gets a burst of confidence and starts to walk toward the house first to go inside. right as Small-Bot is at the door Big-Bot comes up behind him quietly and slowly casting a scary shadow on the door that is in front of Small-Bot. The shadow scares Small-Bot and he quickly turned around and yells at Big-Bot that that was not funny.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

in class

describe what type of write have i written in this semester?
     the main writing i have done is acute for this class, literature.  i have done some math solving on paper and in lab but not much writing besides this class. mainly description and on topic with some references politics paper on a video.

describe what type of writing i will have to write this semester?
     i will write the majority in my literature class but i will have to write papers in biology as well eventually i presume.  i have two more papers in this class but that sums up the majority of my writing this year. Science papers will probably be fore fact based and o studies that have been made just connecting the dots.

what do i expect to write for my major?
     i plan on a bachelors degree in math or biology on the pre dental program. wail pursuing this major i will probably have to write lab papers, lab reports, math analysis, etc.

how is the writing we have done in this class deferent than what we have done in here?
     the writing we have done in this class has mostly been done evaluating ourselves. we make connections between other pieces of work we have read and we connect them to ourself. wail in other classes the writing i have done is mainly analyzing data or the answer to a math problem.

why do i think college professors assign writing and grade it?
    because they want to know if we, students, understand and know how to asses the aspect(s) that are going on by ourselves. They also want to see if we know our facts and how they connect and interact with each other. when we write a paper it is how our own person mind thinks about the predicament therefore every paper is different but in theory should have the same key points somewhere in every paper. Grading papers is so teachers know if you absorbed the information needed.

Shitty first Drafts: about how you need to just get something on paper to start a good paper. Get your thoughts written down then proceeded once your done to edit and revise it to not make it shitty any more

Rhetorical situations: know your audience and the significance of rhetorical situations.

Revision strategies: how to efficiently revise your paper

shitty first drafts: get all of your thoughts on paper then once that is done revise it to make a good one.

rhetorical situations: make sure you know the importance of knowing your audience and how important rhetorical situations are and use them in your paper.

Revising: how to efficiently review and revise your paper to make it better.

who would i like to direct  this paper toward?
I would like to direct tho paper toward my teacher and classmates. i want to make the paper formal and proper but not use to big of vocal that when students read it they will get board wit it. I want students to be able to read tho paper, stay interested, make connections with themselves so they can see that they to can become a better writer, and hear the words coming out of my mouth as a student not a teacher of someone of judgment. I want my teacher to read this and hear me telling him how i have become the write i am and why the writer i am.

i am probably going to use a a normal standardized paper. For one it is what is appropriate for an essay for my teacher to read. Secondly if you see a student actually reading and fully interested in reading an essay you know the story or piece of work is good to them and is worth their time to read. If a student sees a really long email or text they don't really tend to read it but because they know it is an essay and it is suppose to be a bit longer they are prepared for the length

3) writing is recursive because you have to restate hope everything is connected and what the topic is. you have to relate the topic to each paragraph so there is one main back one to the paper so it is recursive in repeating and building strength to that backbone.
    my writing is recursive in repeating the points in each paragraph so the paragraphs flow better. i might repeat words or phrases but i do not try to i edit those out unless they are absolutely necessary.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

paper topic, kairotic, goals, audience, and constraints

how is this topic(the paper topic) kairotic? (important to think about now)
      this paper topic is important know because it will help me become a better writer in the future if i know my strength and week points. it helps me understand how to produce the best possible paper.

what are the goals of he paper?
     the goals of this paper is to know exactly how i write, why i write like that, and how to better my writing. explains why and how i write.

pg 353 ( paragraph 12) and pg 677 (first three bullet points)
who do i want my audience to be?
     i want my audience to be my peers.
how do i want the audience to react?
     i want my peers to be able to read this and make connections with the paper and the way they write. i want them to feel like many different people not just them have a lot of the same problems and/or strengths as they do. i want to get thin thinking on how to improve their writing.

paragraph 25
how do i understand constraints?
     they are underling factors that help a writer lean towards a specific direction.
what kind of linguistic constraints do you put on your audience?
     i write in a way that they will understand. not to much complex vocab and complicated sentences. just direct and to the point to they will not get board of all the fluff they don't want to hear/read. make sure i write in a way  that is logical so that everything connects and interesting so i have their attention the whole time they read my paper.

page 676 blog about upcoming paper

paragraph 3
1.how do you view yourself as a writer?
   i believe i am a strong content writer. when i read a piece of work i am able to analyze it daily daily, fire out underlying meanings, and or what exactly happened if the story does not directly state it. content is my strong pint although i do have a draw back to, grammar. no matter how good my content is and how detailed and/or in-depth it is if my grammar isn't good, which most of the time it is not, it takes away the effect of my content in my paper.

2.is this perception helping me the best writer i can be?
   the content helps me o be through with the piece of work i am reading and also when i am writing about. because i do not want to take away from the effect of that it makes me want to try harder to correct my grammar mistakes. i do not get them a lot of t he times but i believe this gives me a bit of a drive to be better.

brainstorming and planning

  • consider what you write and don't write 
         i write the details i feel is necessary to write about and the content that is need. there are always little details that can and should be left out because they are unnecessary , irrelevant, or extra fluff that you do not need in my paper.
  • consider howe you prepare and don't prepare to write a paper 
  • think of any kinds of writing that you enjoy and any kinds of writing that you dread
          i enjoy writing about books, poems, and excerpts of other things. they are normally fiction book that have a meaning to the society such as Crime and Punishment, Oryx and Crake, the scarlet letter, the fountainhead, etc.. i write papers on the content, hidden meanings, and what specific scenes mean to me and how i interpreted them. i enjoy talking about my POV to my classmates during class discussion and hearing their POV as well so it helps me think deeper into the meaning of the scene or text. i do not particularly like writing about my self i think it is awkward and i do not think much about myself.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

meta moment on shitty first drafts

depending on the type of write that the paper is and the subject i would like to maybe use some profanity,outrageous words, or just out of the ordinary words. it might lighten the mood of the paper or make it funny. i like to throw jokes in my paper if the topic isn't to serious but usually professors and/or teachers do not like that, they think it is unprofessional.

in class delusion about. shitty first drafts

1. because i am so focused on getting a good one written. i do not want to go back and rewrite a paper or edit it so much i basically re wrote it. sometimes i am just tired and get lazy and do not want to write. sometimes i just get distracted. but mostly  it because i  an trying to write a good paper write off the bat.
2. my coping strategies are writing somewhere that is comfy to me like on my bed or on a couch and somewhere where it isn't to loud. i also like to have planned out when i am going to write the paper. as in what day and after or before i do what. no i don't have a specific one that makes me sit down and wire i just know i need to get it done because i have other thing to do and won't have time for it an other day so i do it.
3. the funniest line in his piece is probably in paragraph for sentence five where she explains the poppy-head ordeal.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Rhetorical Situations and their Constituents

2. how would i define exigence? why does exigence matter in rhetorical situations?
    exigence is a problem that can be talked about and resolved through talking or communicating of some sort. it can be any type of problem such as a person problem as in you need something you want something or you have a conflict with someone. or it can be a physical problem as in you broke your leg or arm. just any type of problem.
    exigence matters in my opinion because without it there can not be any there can not be a rhetorical situation. the rhetors need a exigence to create a rhetorical situation to get the intended audience thinking.

4. What are constraints? Bitzer says i would think of constraints as aids rather than restrictions, how can that be?
    constraints are things that are good or bad that can effect the way the audience takes the rhetorical situation which in turn also effect the outcome of the rhetorical situation.
    when Bitzer says that i would think of constraints more as aids rather than restrictions he is right. aids affects the pay someone acts just as constraints do. When someone has aids(bad things) people do not want to have sex with then anymore or be in a relation ship with them. Like if a rhetorical situation has bad things (aids) it has people not want it or answer in a different way then intended, etc. it does dot prevent people from making that decision. like when someone has aids and they tell their spouse. if their spouse still wants to have sex with them its their choice. bad things in rhetorical situations do not prevent people from thinking or reacting a specific way but it does lean them towards a specific situations.

5. as a writer how would it help me to be aware of my rhetorical situations and the constraints it creates?
    when i am writing i have to make sure i add in the constraints i want to make my rhetorical situations strong and get the outcome i want. if i want my audience to hate what i am talking about i can add bad constraints. and vice versa if i want a good reaction to my rhetorical situation..

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

questions about my paper in class

how i went  about writing this paper?
i typed the whole paper on my laptop.
i predominately worked on it in my dorm sitting on my bed
i wrote it in chunks such as first half and second half. i would revise it after we would go over it in class the next day the i would turn it in.
no one proof read it except for me which probably wasn't a smart chaise but everyone that i had that i would wan to read i was busy.
i added a picture, which is unlike anything else i have been doing but it seemed acceptable after talking in class about it.
it took me about three or four days total. i would work an the first half until i got that dine on one day.
i would write the last half the next day or whenever i felt necessary to continue. then would re read, edit, and revise my paper the next day. I actually ended up re reading this paper on a fourth day to see if i wanted to make any changes or if i had a different opinion on it.
the importance of the environment fro academic based writing?
if it is a week day, which most of the time it is, i write at about five sometimes six. it is normally after i shower and i have dinner cooking.  have to be in a desk, bed, or couch of some sort. so i can relax. most people would say that if they were to write their paper on a couch or bed that would make them tired and want to go to sleep. that in a way the case with me as well. I'm wide awake when i start to write my paper and then i will eat then go write some more on my paper. but once i start getting drowsy i do fall asleep. i cold keep myself up and write some more but i normally do not because this is when i make the most grammar mistakes and i try and keep those to a minimum. i do not typically write in the morning because i am still a bit tired and i like to relax in t he morning and i and have a cup of coffee.
what are other external factors that hinder or help my writing?
i do not like the tv to be only or music playing. The room doesn't have to be completely silent but i do like when it for the most part remotely quiet so i can hear my self thinking.
what do i think worked well in my paper?
i think my paragraph flow was decent. you could definitely tell what paragraph when where but i could still have improved that.
what are the weaknesses of the paper?
the grammar definitely needs some work. more cohesion in my conclusion to my paragraphs.
how well have i lived up to my index card?
my gramme has improved slightly, i feel like i flow better when i write. There is still plenty of room for improvement. as there will alway be. but i do feel like i making progress.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Shitty First Drafts blog

am i aware of any patterns in my first draft writing in places or in ways that i will know that the writing will need work once i actually have the words written down.
When i write my fist draft i just write in a way that i think that would make since to both me and the reader. i almost write like i am talking or how i would explain the story to someone. i know there is going to be many misspelled words and bad grammar and the sentences might be choppy at points but i am not really worried about that when i write my first draft. once my draft is done i can then go fix my grammar, spelling, conjunctions, or anything else that needs fixing. My first draft gives me my basis of what i need to talk about in each paragraph so i can then build off of it in the paragraph or cut it down to make it better and to the point.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

where am I at now. and how the past has helped me

In regards to my paper I am better at
1. reading my surroundings
2.reading how people are feeling
3. reading a situation and reacting quickly to it (writing)
4. more determined to do things better and the right way when it come to literary tasks
5. when reading think of the world from a new point of view than just mine

how my past has helped me to get to where i am today
I have been through a lot of struggles in my past just has everyone else. everyone has different struggles therefore helping them become literate in different things then i am. going through a major surgery and having to stop playing tennis for a while was an extremely hard thing for me to go through. going through it helped me realize how much i take being able to do little things fir granite. helped to also over come pain and work hard to be able to where i wanted to be again.

 everyone goes through different struggles helping them become literate in different areas.  My struggles have predominately been revolved around tennis helping me to become literate in not only the game of tennis, but in specific aspects of life as well.

Sherman Alexie writes that "writing was something beyond indians" (131). Wail I am not indian, his argument resonates to me because believe otherwise because my personal experience tells me different. When i went through knee surgery everyone said it was time for me to give up on my dream of becoming a college tennis player but once i was able to get back on the court i worked hard and ended up getting a few offers to colleges to play tennis for them.

in this article "sponsors of literacy," Deborah Brandt defines and then provides examples of sponsors of literacy. reflecting on my own literacy history, a certain sponsor comes to mind, my tennis coach. He comes to mind because he has taught me so many things not only in the game of tennis but in life as well.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

homework 3 (my sponsors)

My literacy fall roughly in-between that of Branch's and Lopez's. Branch had substantial access to technology and new upcoming information at young age. Lopez on the other hand, very little access to technology and upcoming information, and when she finally did it was at a much later age than Branch.
I have had access to technology since I was a little girl. Not so much computers like Branch but I did have a TV I could watch. Sometime in the years if ten and twelve my dad had bought a computer. It was a family computer although I rarely ever used it. My parents did not think I ever needed access to the computer, such as having Myspace, Facebook, twitter, etc. The only time I really ever started using it was when I was about thirteen. I had to type a paper for one of my classes. My parents let me use the computer then when it was school related. The more schools became dependent on computers the more I had to use it. I used my dad's family computer all through out high school. All my friends had their own computers wail i was the one that didn't. I did not mind though I was never online much besides for school. Smart phones did come out so it basically was like having a mini computer on you at all times. This is incorrect. I had to pay for my own phone so therefore I could not afford Internet access all the time. I used my data sparingly eliminating the assumption that i had Internet access at all times. I did not own my own computer until i went to college because my dad figured I could not bring the family computer so he bought me one of my own. Money was not the reason I never had my own computer till now. My family though having my own computer was not necessary and a wattle of time and money until I was out of the house.
I had access to technology and information at a young age just as Branch did, not as much access but I still had access. I was not always aloud and able to use that access so I end up more towards the way Lopez was brought up. Although, I was more fortunate than she was at times because my family is of higher class and could allow me to do more things. It is unfortunate but true.
My primary sponsors in life were my parents, my tennis team/coaches, my brother, and lastly my school. My parents taught me my manners, how to be a lady, and how to portray myself to others, basically all of my desirable social skills. My tennis team is my group of friends and they taught me my social skills of a teenager. They taught me sarcasm, how to make jokes, how to laugh, and how to have fun on and off the court. My tennis coach tight me of course how to play tennis but that is not all. He also taught me how to be a more mentally tough human being, how to make good choices, and how to be smart in all things I do. My brother, man this is a long one, but to sum it up he taught me sports analysis, video gaming, extensive movie binging, activities to do indoors and outdoors, how to fight and protect myself, the definition of tough love, and most importantly the definition of love from a sibling. You should be able to see that everything i have listed has everything to do with ones personality. That is because everything I listed is what created my personality, it is what makes me, well, me. The one last sponsor i have not explained yet is school. School has taught me everything I know, academically that is. School did not teach me how to be a lady, how to have fun, how to love someone, or how to fend for myself. School had simply taught me some history, science, and how to grammatically read and write correctly. They have nothing to do with the way I act. School is in place for knowledge of the past, present, and future. Whether or not I want to take that knowledge and do something with is is my choice.
I believe everything that has been given to me, all my sponsors and my schooling have been given to me in such a way that no one else can have it. I alone have the knowledge I have because i am the only one that has lived through my experiences and schooling. It is all worth it. All the knowledge i have received is more that I could want. I can not wait to have more of it.
The only sponsor I wish I had more of when i was younger to know more about it now is that of cars. I was never really exposed to anyone or anything that could teach me a little about cars. I wanted to know how to change my own tire and my own oil so i had to look it up. No one ever taught me and I wish someone or something could have.

things i am literate in

What are some things I am literate at?
the fundamental strokes of tennis
mindset plays that should be executed during specific circumstances in tennis
facil expressions that express people moods
baseball starts
dental hygiene
all things cooking
where, when, and how to fish
where to and when to hike on a mountain
what to prioritize

In class questions

What is something you wanted to read?
Something I have always wanted to read since middle school was Crime and Punishment. I hear it has always been a really good book to read. I never did read it in middle school because reading for fun want really a priority I had and it is also a more difficult read so I pushed it off until I could grow my vocabulary. Once I entered high school I though I was ready to start reading Crime and Punishment but as I was talking to my Literature teacher about it she told me that I would be reading it as an assignment next year. I then waited to read it because I thought it would be better to move along with my classmates in the book so I fully understand it.

What is something you worked hard to read?
Something that I have worked hard to read is The Odyssey. I struggled reading this because the wording of the novel and the vocabulary used was, for the most part, foreign to me. It is also a fairly long book and a lot godson throughout the book so it is also hard to remember every little detail that i read. I don't think I would have been able to understand the book to the exited I do without the help of my teacher.

What is something you wanted to write?
Something I wanted to write is defense notes and argumentative nots when I was on the debate team. I love to debate. What I love more is winning a debate. I would normally do research on the upcoming debate and have ready all the points and could use in defense of my side and in accusation of the other.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

homework 2 (Malcolm X)

1. Who seems to be Malcolm X's intended audience? How do you know?

I believe Malcolm X's intended audience is every race, "black, brown, red, and yellow people" (page 124) that is discriminated or treated unfairly by white people. I believe this because Malcolm X explains through this exert of his autobiography about how bad white people are and how much blood and dispute lay on their hands. Malcolm X wrote this in a way that almost convinces the audience that white people are nothing but cold blooded harsh human beings. Besides that point he also wrote this in a way where it gives many people that do not have education but have the drive to make a difference hope that they can accomplish that. Even though Malcolm X makes some bold statements about whites he has evidence and explains his reason for thinking the way he does.

2. how does Malcolm X define literacy? how does this definition compare to school based literacy?

Malcolm X was a wise clever young fellow. He taught himself how to read and to write, therefore he thinks of being literate in a different perspective than schools do. Schools believe being literate is being taught in school how to read, write, and eventually form complex thoughts. I believe Malcolm X though being literate was simply being able to understand what you, do or do not like in the world and being willing to make a difference when it comes to something you do not like. It has nothing to do with being taught reading or writing in school. Although he does state that both of these aspects are very important in making changes. Malcolm holds reading somewhat sacred because he learned all he knows from books he has read and writing has helped him portray what he wants to say more effectively. In the words of Malcolm X, "If the American black man will start thinking about his human rights, and then start thinking of himself as part of one of the world's great peoples, he will see he has a case for the United Nations. " Malcolm X is saying that once the American black man starts standing up for himself and his rights people will begin to realize what horrible discrimination they have been put through and changes will be made. This is why Malcolm X believes that literacy is being able to understand problems and being willing to fix them.

how expectations impact me

I started to play tennis tennis when I was twelve years old. I was naturally pretty good at it a lot of people said. I ended up loving tennis but when I turned thirteen I had to quit for a little bit due to all the traveling me and my family were doing to pursue my brothers baseball career. When traveling slowed down i began to play tennis again at age fifteen. My dad began to realize I had great potential to be great at tennis if I worked hard at it.
I then began to train. I trained up to seven hours every day on the tennis court and in the gym for another two. Once I'm coach though I was good enough to start playing in tournaments I was in a tournaments every weekend. I got very good rather quickly. Because i pick up skills so fast and worked hard to do so everyone expected me to ail everything. I did not. When ever i lost i would have a plethora of people outraged saying i could have won if i tried harder. Because of this i trained harder everyday. The last tournament I was in i was neck and neck with another star player whom i though was better than me. I still was trying my best to beat her one because i wanted to win and two because i didm not want to disappoint anyone. I pushed so hard i ended up seriously injuring myself in that tennis match. I tore three ligaments in my knee and by the time i was able to play tennis again i had missed my opportunities for tennis and was never the same tennis player.

My Interest in Writing

Reading and writing have always fought my attention since I was a child. I was not always the best student to get picket to read out loud or to share my paper with the class, but reading and writing on my own was always a joy to me none the less. 
Reading books that were assigned, that I basically had to read, was not my favorite thing to do nor was any one else's. I much rather would prefer to be able to pitch the book I wanted to read and do my assignment on that. That is not how school went so I did as I was told and did the assignments. I did not get into school requited book assignments until i was in tenth grade. Why this year I bet your wondering? I mainly became interested in school required book assignments because my teacher at that time, Mr. Jones was his name, opened up new ways for me to approach reader and analyzing the books we read. He showed me how there is much more depth and meaning to every book but most people do not take the time to see them. The main book that triggered this realization and fascination was Pride and Prejudice.  Each time he c;ass had an assuaged reader i was actually excited to do it because reading now interested me. The next day in class we would sit and talk about the meanings of each of the reading just to make sure we didn't miss anything. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

homework 1

Alexie grew up on an indian reserve but the difference between him and the other boys grew up on the reserve as well was that Alexie excelled at school.
On the reserve the people were not expected to be able to read and write like the common people do in schools. All that was required and accepted of you is that you were able to sing the tribe songs, tell stories and joke, stand up for themselves, and fail at the non-indian world so you could be ceremonially accepted into the tribe. That is precisely what it meant to be literate on the reserve. reading and writing wasn't required.
Most indians did fail at school because it was normal to do but that is not the only reason. Many a times the schools did not understand indians talents and way of thinking. Because they did not understand them and they were out of the norm they were not accepted so they would still fail even if the answers may have been correct in some degree. There were some indies that did want to try and do good in school but it became so hard for them because so many people such as their classmates, their friends on the reserves, some teachers, etc. were not supportive and did not try and help. When indian children would tell their complex stories and jokes not many would sit and listen because indians were already labeled as unintelligent so everyone assumed whatever they were saying was not important even if it was to them.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How did I learn to wright and/or read?

When I was little I went to private school which has a slightly different approach to english class. My school taught me phoenix rules and sight words before everything else. Because I was not taught the basics of spelling, like souring words out to spell them, before phoenix rules and sight words i have never been a good writher.
To learn how to wright the words correctly on paper I would practice writing letters on dry erase boards  then transfer then to paper when I felt confident enough.
I learned how to read after I learned how to associate words with pictures in books my parents read to me. I also started sounding words out when i tried to read books with my parents. I began to recognize the way words look the more I read them so reading beach easier to me the more I wrote to read that same word.

What kinds of writing/reading have I done in the past?
I have done many different kinds of writing. Everything from research papers, to autobiographies, to fictional stories. I love to wright because I like expressing my ideas, but I also do not like to write because when it comes to grammar and spelling i am not good at that, which in turn takes away from the meaning my paper has.  I like to wright literary analysis papers mainly because many stores have hidden meaning or layers of meanings and i am good at looking outside the box to find the majority of those meanings.
I have read many type of literature such as poems, dramas, plays, biographies, fiction, and much more. I enjoy all of them when that have more than just one meaning to look at which is almost all of literature.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Early memory of reading

I have always remembered being able to read fairly well. Although, I would have a hard time reading smoothly in class like I did by myself. I did and still do enjoy reading I just keep busy soften it is hard to make time for it.

Early memory of writing
I always had the best penmenship award when I was younger.  I could wright neatly and nicely in print and in cursive.

Early frustration with reading and writing
I had a hard time reading to crowds or in public for some reason. I am not a shy person but when it came to reading it seemed as though I was.
When I was younger I prided myself on my penmanship because my grammar and spelling were never as strong. I tried to get better at spelling as the days, months, and years went by but I never seemed to get any better at it. Not being able to spell well held back my potential to excel in my writing and English classes over the years. I have always been in advanced and AP course literature classes but have struggled at points mainly due to my lack of being able to spell correctly